What to expect
Services typically last an hour and a half. We gather together to sing songs, listen to a message and pray. All are welcome! We love responding to God! We believe Worship is something we all participate in so during the service you might see others kneeling or raising their hands. All are welcome to come as they are and participate in their own way.
The sermons are biblically-based and relevant to our everyday lives. We try to be as friendly and welcoming as possible. Don’t be surprised if someone smiles and greets you. We’re excited to be together as we’re inspired by God’s love for us. Our hope is that you will feel at home when you attend one of our services.
What we believe
The sole basis for our belief is the Bible, which is uniquely God-inspired, infallible, and the final authority on all matters on which it speaks. As the Bible teaches, there is one God, eternally existing in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – each possessing all the attributes of deity.
God created humans to have fellowship with Him, but they defied God by sinfully going their own way. As a result, we need God’s saving grace to end our alienation from Him. Salvation comes only through God’s grace – not human effort – and must be received personally by repentance and faith.
Jesus Christ, second Person of the Trinity, was born of a virgin named Mary. He lived a sinless life on earth and voluntarily and necessarily paid for our sin by dying on the cross as our substitute. This accomplished salvation for all who trust in Him alone. Jesus rose from the dead and is the only mediator between us and God. He baptizes believers in the Holy Spirit. He will return to earth to consummate history.
The Holy Spirit draws sinners to Christ and equips believers for personal growth and service to Christ and love for others. The church’s role is to glorify God and serve those in need. At the end, everyone will experience bodily resurrection and the judgment. Only believers will enjoy eternal fellowship with God.
What is the gospel?
gospel – good news that changes everything
This is the most important question in human history. All of us realize that life is not always as it should be. Something is wrong. We know and we dream that there is something more, something better.
Jesus is that dream come true. He lived a life that was entirely free of regret because it was a life that perfectly pleased God at every turn – the kind of life that only God could live; the kind of life that deserved love and every reward we can imagine God to give. That is why when Jesus was brutally executed on a cross, those who followed Him and trusted Him were convinced that the light they had found had been overcome by the darkness of our world.
But when all else is wrong, God is all right. Three days after Jesus died on the cross and was sealed in a tomb, He was raised to life by God’s power.
This is good news that changes everything! Because Jesus died and rose again we do not have to remain trapped by the brokenness of this world, by the mistakes we’ve made, by the sins we’ve committed. We don’t have to wonder if God is for us or against us. We don’t have to search for love in all the wrong places. We can be confident in God’s perfect love for us. We can know that Jesus is our Savior. We can trust that the powerful Spirit of God will empower us to live the life that God created us to live.
Our Foursquare family
The Foursquare Church is a network of churches that meet in living rooms, stadiums and everywhere in between.
We spread God's love from Alabama to Zimbabwe, introducing the world to Jesus Christ.
The Foursquare Church believes that Jesus Christ is the Savior, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, Healer, and Soon-Coming King.
We stand firm on the foundation set by Hebrews 13:8, which proclaims: "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever."
To find out more information